The Gate of Life

the gate of life

Gate of Life is a service that will impact you musically, visually, and with the power of God’s Word and Jesus’ salvation as its backbone. The name “Gate of Life” comes from the following scripture, where Jesus says:

“I am the gate … I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”
John 10:9-10

Expect worship to be highly engaging through the use of images, music that moves the body and soul, a message that encourages all to participate, and a community focused atmosphere with Christ at the center. When you leave worship, it is our hope that you feel a stronger connection to Christ, that you serve others in the community, and that your heart is on fire with love.

The Gate of Life Service

Sunday Mornings

10:10 am At Our Chapel

We Invite you to volunteer!

If you would like to be a part of the Gate of Life service in a musical way, helping with visuals, or behind the scenes work, please contact Michele Nyman at